AI Finland 2020 asiantuntijat
AI Finland 2020 -tapahtumassa esiintyy kattava otos suomalaisia ja kansainvälisiä tekoälyn asiantuntijoita niin julkiselta kuin yksityiseltäkin sektorilta. Esitysten ja paneelikeskustelujen kokoavana teemana on kestävä ja älykäs tuotanto. Tutustu alta asiantuntijoihimme ja tule kuulemaan, mitä kuumimmissa suomalaisissa AI startupeissa, teollisuudessa ja tutkimuksessa tapahtuu parhaillaan.
Rekisteröidy tapahtumaan pian!
Kaapo Annala
CEO, Neuro Event Labs

Kaapo Annala is CEO and co-founder of Neuro Event Labs (NEL), health tech company dedicated to epilepsy diagnostics. Together with a team of engineers and medical experts, he has developed AI powered epilepsy diagnostics product, Nelli, to detect and classify motor seizures. Product is in active use by 30+ hospitals in 10 countries.
Kaapo has spent the past 20 years before NEL in productising various international technology products in Nokia and Microsoft. Kaapo holds MSc degree in computer science and system engineering.
Juha Heikkilä
Architect, AI & Head of the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence unit, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission

Juha Heikkilä joined the European Commission in 1998, and since 2014 he has been the Head of the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence unit in the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, developing and coordinating the Commission policy and activities in Artificial Intelligence.
Heikki Huttunen
Associate Professor, Tampere University

Heikki Huttunen is an associate professor at Tampere University, where he studies and teaches the tools behind modern artificial intelligence. His particular interest area is deep learning, especially for industrial applications. Although artificial neural networks have been known for a long time, they have only recently reached human level accuracy in tasks that are traditionally challenging for a machine. An example of such a task is age estimation, which even small children master, but computers not until some 5 years ago. Huttunen group has developed a real time age estimation demo that illustrates the capabilities of modern AI: https://youtu.be/Kfe5hKNwrCU
In addition to his professorship, Huttunen is also a partner in Tampere-based Visy Oy (www.visy.fi) , who deploy automatic license plate recognition systems to international ports and border stations.
Eero Hyvönen
Professor, Director, Aalto University and University of Helsinki

Eero Hyvönen is director of Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities (HELDIG) at the University of Helsinki and professor of semantic media technology at the Aalto University, Department of Computer Science, directing the Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo) specializing on Semantic Web technologies, AI, and applications. A major recent theme (since 2001) in his research has been the development of the national level semantic web infrastructure in Finland and its application in different areas, especially in Digital Humanities. Eero Hyvönen has published over 400 research articles and books and has got several international awards (e.g., Semantic Web Challenge Award (twice), World Summit Award by UNIDA/UNESCO, and LODLAM Open Data Prize) and national acknowledgements (e.g., Prime Minister’s Innovation Award, State Award for Public Information, and Decoration of Knight, First Class). He acts in the editorial boards of Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, Semantic Computing, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics, and Ontologies, and International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, and has co-chaired and acted in the programme committees of tens of major international conferences.
Twitter: @secoresearch / @HelsinkiDH | SeCo: Eero Hyvönen
Petri Kalske
Head of R&D, Unikie Oy

Petri Kalske is in charge of Unikie’s product development and product management. Kalske has 20 years of software and technology business experience, most of the time in various management and leadership roles. His comfort zone is between business and new technologies. Kalske is running several Unikie’s international research and development projects in fields of autonomous driving, AI and Machine vision.
Kai Knuutila
Digitalization Manager, Glaston Oyj

Kai Knuutila is a digitalization enthusiast, with long career background in mobile devices and silicon industry. Big believer in open innovation and learning with others. Always keeping also focus on delivering value for the end customer.
Toni Laitila
Operations & Clients, The Upright Project
Juha Latvala
Chief Digital Officer, Insta Group

As the CDO of Insta Group, Juha Latvala’s mission is to help Finnish industrial companies deliver higher customer value through increased productivity and operational efficiency, and to understand the potential of artificial intelligence in their respective industries.
Juha has extensive experience in research and product development of connected smart devices, leadership roles in software and technology in an international setting, and working in both small and large enterprises. He’s the co-founder of Intopalo Oy (acquired by Insta Group in 2018) and Neuro Event Labs Oy, a company that helps doctors diagnose and treat epilepsy patients with artificial intelligence and is passionate about the role of technology in making a better and sustainable tomorrow.
Juha has given speeches in several conferences about leadership, digitalization, modern working life, and the future of technology.
Mika Lintilä
Minister of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Employment and the Economy

Arttu-Matti Matinlauri
Director of Analytics and Applications, Valmet

Arttu-Matti Matinlauri is an experienced Analytics and Business Leader with an extensive hands-on background in innovating and developing game changing production-grade AI & Software. He has worked with a variety of Industries and Business Functions ranging from Sales, Marketing and HR development to Industrial Operations. Working with customers from Australia, Asia, South Africa, Brazil, North America and Europe, he has been able to develop insight into the different cultural challenges of what is needed from the Workforce 4.0 – the organization structures and people who are still needed to fully leverage the opportunities of data-driven productivity improvements.
Petri Myllymäki
Professor, FCAI, Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence

Petri Myllymäki is a professor of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the Department of Computer Science of University of Helsinki, Finland. He is also the Director of the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT), the vice-Director of the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI), and the Director of the Helsinki Doctoral Education Network in ICT (HICT). Prof. Myllymäki has over 30 years of experience in artificial intelligence research. He has been an editorial board member, program chair, committee member and reviewer for numerous international scientific journals, conferences and organizations, and he has published over 150 scientific articles in his research area. He is a co-founder of companies Ekahau, BayesIT, Cloud’N’Sci, Etsimo and Sightful, and has also been responsible for several applied research projects that have led to a number of fielded applications and patents.
Takehiko Nagumo
Senior Managing Executive Officer, MURC (Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting)

Senior Managing Executive Officer at Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting.
Executive Director at Smart City Institute Japan.
Professor at Kyoto University Graduate School of Management.
Committee member of Japanese Government’s Regulatory Reform Promotion Council.
Tero Ojanperä
Chairman, Co-Founder, Silo.AI

Tero Ojanperä is the Chairman and one of the founders of Silo.AI, the largest private artificial intelligence laboratory in the Nordic countries.
Kari Pitkänen
Director, Business Development, Co-Founder, Aiforia Technologies Oy

Kari Pitkänen‘s background is purely entrepreneurial. Directly from HUT bench he co-founded molecular biology company, Finnzymes Oy in 1986. After 23 year of operations, Finnzymes was exited to ThermoFisher Scientific. After that, he was invited to join FIMM (Finnish Institute for Molecular Medicine) from where he has co-founded two startups Aiforia being one of them. Now the Aiforia team is commercializing cloud based deep learning AI platform in health and other 2D image analysis applications globally.
Nønne Prisle
Associate Professor, University of Oulu

Nønne Prisle is a professor in atmospheric science and leads the Atmospheric Research (ATMOS) group at University of Oulu. She currently holds an Academy of Finland Research Fellowship and European Research Council grant. Prof. Prisle obtained her Ph.D. in chemistry from University of Copenhagen (2009) and has been a postdoctoral fellow at Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki University’s Institute for Atmospheric Research (INAR) and Georgia Institute of Technology. She is vice chair of the board of Finnish Synchrotron Radiation Users Organization (FSRUO), board member of the Finnish Association for Aerosol Research (FAAR) and spokesperson for atmospheric research at the Finnish-Estonian Beamline for Atmospheric and Materials Science (FinEstBeAMS) at the MAX IV synchrotron facility in Lund, Sweden. She is a speaker of TEDxOulu – Arctic Matters (2020) and co-contributor to the graphic novel “Little Things” about her research. Prof. Prisle is an expert in air pollution and climate effects of atmospheric nanoparticles. She currently leads a project funded under the Academy of Finland programme Novel Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Physical Sciences and Engineering Research (AIPSE) to develop uses of AI methods in physical sciences.
LinkedIn | Twitter: @Nonne_Prisle / @OuluBeamTeam | ATMOS group
Ilkka Pölönen
Researcher, University of Jyväskylä

Dr Ilkka Pölönen has background in applied mathematics and computational sciences. He is docent of hyperspectral imaging at the University of Jyväskylä and heading hyperspectral imaging laborotory. His research is concentrated to develop AI and computational methods to hyperspectral image processing and interpretation.
Pekka Sivonen
Digital Transformation of Finnish Industries, Business Finland

Olli Snellman
Head of Product Development, BU Automation, Sandvik

Olli Snellman has experience of multiple Sandvik Mining and Construction product areas as well as wide experience of software industry.
Markus Ståhlberg
Co-founder, CEO, N.Rich

Markus is the co-founder and CEO of N.Rich – the leading Account-Based marketing platform in Europe. Markus has been one of the driving forces behind Business Finland funded B2B AI research consortium project in collaboration with Aalto University.
Alexander Törnroth
FAIA, Finland’s AI Accelerator

Renaud Vedel
Coordinator of France ‘s National AI Strategy, Ministry for the Economy and Finance, France

- 13 years of service at the Ministry of interior : territorial state representation, security and intelligence policies (1999-2012)
- 5 years of service at the Governmental level : Advisor to the Minister of Interior then the Prime minister (2012-2017)
- Ministerial AI Coordinator, Ministry of Interior (2017-february 2020)
- Coordinator of France National AI Strategy (since March 2020)
Juho Vihonen
Architect, AI & analytics, Cargotec Oyj

Dr. Juho Vihonen is employed by Cargotec Oyj. His responsibilities include data-driven services, artificial intelligence and robotic applications. He has a scientific background in learning systems, real-time sensor fusion and motion control for field robotics. He holds the academic rank of Docent.
Riikka Virkkunen
Professor of Practice, VTT

Dr. Riikka Virkkunen leads VTT’s Industrial Renewal Lighthouse – innovations empowering industry. Virkkunen has plenty of experience working in international collaboration. She is board member of EFFRA (European Factories of the Future Research Association) and co-chair of the Factories of the Future partnership’s board. Currently, she is coordinator of a European project ConnectedFactories that creates visions and pathways for digitalizing manufacturing industries. She has evaluated diverse international funding initiatives, such as the Swedish competence centre proposals on Connected Industry and New Materials, Swedish national program Production2030 and diverse European applications. In her home country, Virkkunen has worked in various manager positions at VTT and coordinated FIIF, the Finnish Industrial Internet Forum, with circa 200 company members. Virkkunen holds a PhD in computational materials science from Aalto University (former HUT) Technical Physics department (thesis: Quantum Simulations of Electronic Structures in Semiconductor Materials).
Aleksi Kopponen
Erityisasiantuntija, Valtiovarainministeriö

Aleksi työskentelee ihmiskeskeisen ja ennakoivan yhteiskunnan puolesta ja osana AuroraAI-tiimiä, kotiorganisaationaan valtiovarainministeriö. Aleksi on ollut mukana valmistelemassa AuroraAI-ohjelman perustaa vuodesta 2015 saakka.
Työn ohella Aleksi tutkii Aallon kauppakorkeakoulun tohtorikoulutettavana yhteiskuntamme edellytyksiä siirtyä kohti ihmiskeskeistä ja ennakoivaa yhteiskuntaa.
Aleksin mietelause:
It always seems impossible until it’s done. -Nelson Mandela-
Marko Latvanen
Erityisasiantuntija, Digi- ja väestötietovirasto
Jaana Leikas
Docent, Principal Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd

Dr. Jaana Leikas has long track record in human-driven design thinking as well as social evolution and acceptance of technology. In this context, she has studied how emerging technologies can best serve the society as well as the quality of life and changing life goals of citizens. She is responsible for leading research projects in technology ethics, responsible innovation and foresight at VTT.
Kirsi Miettinen
Lainsäädäntöneuvos, Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö

Kirsi Miettinen toimii lainsäädäntöneuvoksena liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön tieto-osastolla. Hän on työskennellyt pitkään digitalisaatioon ja tiedon hyödyntämiseen liittyvien kysymysten parissa. Tällä hetkellä fokuksena on liikenteen automaatiokehityksen edistäminen etenkin sääntelyn keinoin.
Mika Nieminen
Docent, Team leader, VTT

Dr., Adjunct Professor, Mika Nieminen works at VTT ltd, Technical Research Centre of Finland. He has studied e.g. development of research and innovation organizations, impacts of STI policy, and resilience in organizations. His current research interests cover especially systemic innovations and transformations, responsible innovations, technology ethics as well as development of impact assessment methods. He has published widely articles, monographs and edited volumes in the above mentioned research areas.
Jyrki Nummenmaa
Professori, Tampereen yliopisto

Mr. Jyrki Nummenmaa is a full professor at the Tampere University, Finland.
Prof. Nummenmaa has done research on algorithms, databases, software development, business intelligence, data mining, open data, and natural language processing. He leads a consortium project on Ethical AI for the Governance of the Society (ETAIROS), funded by the Strategic Research Council of the Academy of Finland.
He has extensive administrational experience and practical experience from the past working 3,5 years in software companies in Tampere area. He has visited the University of Edinburgh for one year while doing his PhD research and lately several times universities in China and in 2004 University of Chile for 2 months. He has over 90 peer-reviewed scientific publications in scientific journals and conferences.
Kalle Piirainen
Senior Expert, 4FRONT
Sanni Pöntinen
Kehittämispäällikkö, Elinvoima ja kilpailukyky, Tampereen kaupunki

Sanni Pöntinen on utelias, aidosti kiltti ja vilkas keskustelija julkisen sektorin kehittäjänä. Sanni on toiminut yli vuosikymmenen Tampereen kaupungin johtavana museolehtorina, kehittänyt tulevaisuuden kuntaa strategia- ja kehittämisyksikössä ja nyt kehittämispäällikkönä elinvoiman ja kilpailukyvyn palvelualueella hän auttaa niin johtoryhmää kuin omaa tiimiään onnistumaan päämäärissään. Sanni rohkaisee: pura egoismi ja kohtaa ihminen. Ystävällisyyden sivutuotteena meistä tuli myös viisaita.
Nina Rilla
Erikoistutkija, VTT

Nina Rilla työskentelee erikoistutkijana VTT:llä eettisten ja vastuullisten innovaatioiden parissa. ETAIROS-hankkeessa hän vetää autonomiset järjestelmät case-aluetta, jossa keskitytään tekoälyn etiikkaan maa- ja meriliikenteessä.