AI Hub Tampere
A rendezvous to build intelligent future
AI Hub Tampere is a new artificial intelligence research center hosted by Tampere University and funded by public instruments. The center organizes workshops, helpdesk sessions, experimental piloting and other support for adopting artificial intelligence in local companies. Our principle is to make AI easy to reach, affordable and all our services are free of charge, neutral and equal for all. The center is part of nationwide network of AI centers that is currently being built.
Twitter: @AI_Hub_Tampere
The official pages of the EAKR project: AI Hub Tampere

Consulting in the use and application of AI
AI Hub Tampere is a regional hub project funded by ERDF (EU Regional Development Funding) and the Council of Tampere Region (Pirkanmaan liitto). We are governed by Tampere University. The project aims at consulting local SMEs in the use and application of artificial intelligence in business development.
The hub provides help and guidance in the ability to adopt the newest software and technology in the field of AI. AI Hub Tampere encourages companies to contact us when facing AI related challenges. One of our particular focuses is intelligent machines, such as autonomous, driverless construction machines. We are also funded by, closely networked, and in frequent contact with FIMA, Business Tampere, and Business Finland.
Join our workshops, helpdesks, pilots
We have three main modes of operating. The first and easiest way to interact with us is to join our workshops that are open to companies. Another popular way to find new solutions in the use of AI is through a 1,5-hour helpdesk discussion, either face-to-face or over the phone. This may inspire companies to take the next steps towards our third modus operandi, the one-week pilot project.
During the experiment pilot, our specialists can tackle a particular problem and challenge within five days. We run technical tests and trials, using e.g. various machine learning methods, and provide the company with a written analysis report. This encourages companies to seek additional funding and enter the next level in their business operations.
All of our services are free of charge. To find out more about how to cooperate with us, please contact Coordinator Ritva Savonsaari directly to book an appointment.

Contact us
Coordinator @ AI Hub Tampere
Phone : +358 50 477 2701