Promoting AI in SMEs – embrAIsme Stakeholder Meeting 

The Tampere AI ecosystem has taken a significant step towards developing the region as a center of AI expertise and supporting the competitiveness of companies. We have joined an international network that includes participants from Austria, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, and Slovenia. This network has received EU funding to accelerate the use of AI in SMEs. 

Within the framework of the EmbrAIsme project (Embracing AI for SMEs), we are seeking, creating, and promoting ways to develop the utilization of AI until 2027. The project focuses particularly on increasing AI expertise in small and medium-sized enterprises and improving their competitiveness. This also supports the goals of the European Commission and the Digital Compass of Pirkanmaa, which set the guidelines for Europe’s digital future. 

At our first stakeholder meeting, we discussed common agendas, measures, and future plans. The event provided an opportunity to share ideas and plan actions to support companies in utilizing AI. We had fruitful discussions, with various perspectives and challenges emerging from both SMEs and AI service providers. The announcement of PoC funding from Business Finland’s Generative AI campaign was positive news for companies, and the updates from AI Finland, which started in the spring, garnered great interest. 

During the years 2024–2026, the consortium will organize eight interregional learning events in the target countries of the project participants. Together with our European partners, we will create tools to promote the use of AI.